Lester Sumrall
Lester Sumrall is an international minister, local pastor and visionary. For over 25 years, he has shared the message of God’s love,, purpose and hope. This Good News of God’s Kingdom has brought real transformation in countless lives, in 40 nations of the world.
In the early the 1990's, Lester gave up a college basketball scholarship to obey God’s call on his life, a journey which took him to Scandinavia where he attended Word of Life Theological School in Sweden. Upon graduation, Lester travelled alongside his grandfather, Dr. Lester Sumrall, doing ministry and relief work around the world. Later, he earned a Bachelors degree from the School of Business. at Oral Roberts University. In 1997, he founded Lester Sumrall International, and has since continued in the legacy passed to him of ministry, missions and media. Lester Sumrall is currently based in Northern Indiana, where he lives with his family and serves as the Senior Leader of Tri Lakes Community Church.
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Fearless Faith
Fearless Faith is an inspiring upcoming documentary about the life and times of Dr. Lester Sumrall. He traveled the world on the verge of WWII, missionary statesman, author, broadcast pioneer and global philanthropist sharing the Gospel in 119 countries, impacting lives forever.